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Welcoming Autumn

“Autumn…the years last, loveliest smile”

William Cullen

Autumn is my absolute favourite time of year! A season of change - whilst spring is an excellent time to start new projects, Autumn is the perfect time to release and let go of anything that is no longer serving us well.

Whilst I love to embrace and welcome Autumn, I am one of those people who really struggles to even try and think about enjoying the winter months. So I use Autumn months to prepare myself for winter too!

The first thing I find is essential - Re stock the sunshine vitamins! D3 & K2 to keep away the winter blues and Vit C to boost immunity and keep the cold and flu bugs at bay.

We certainly don’t store enough Vit D3 from our summer months and it is impossible to get the amount that we need from our diet (Mushrooms, egg yolk and oily fish contain some good levels). D3 is essential for Hormone balancing, immune function, brain health and mood regulation. We need D3 for our bodies to create natural serotonin so whilst we can use Homeopathy to address underlying causes, I always recommend a good quality supplement, that does not contain binders and fillers (when the label says Talc, yes, it really does mean talcum powder!), to go along side any treatment.

Switching to foods that are more seasonal and hearty, I also find most beneficial for many reasons:

  1. Things like winter squash, winter greens, root vegetables, apples and pears are denser so help you to stay fuller for longer, and help with keeping you warm.

  2. When you eat out of season it means that your digestion has to work much harder.

  3. Food contains more nutrients when they are eaten closer to picking. We are then able to support locally produced products and therefore not consuming all of the wax and preservatives that are needed to keep food for out of season.

    Stops me eating the same things all year!

    Some other ways I like to embrace Autumn

    1. As I see Autumn as the beginning of my year, I like to take time to reflect on the year so far and make a list of things that I am grateful for.

    2. Make a plan for my year ahead and get rid of things that are no longer serving me well.

    3. Make a few seasonal adjustments to my home, de clutter and make my spaces cosy and inviting.

    4. This is definitely a time of year where I like to invest and treat myself to some new candles! I just can’t help it!

    Changes in seasons can effect our mood and immunity as our bodies struggle to adapt to the changes. If you suffer with low moods and frequent illness please contact me to see how Homeopathy could help you.

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